SIMSON & BEAUTY - The "City" Litter

Canadian and Swedish Champion Dream Max Jorgen Brink
Salt Lake City Beagley


Beauty delivered 10 adorable puppies on Sunday, April 19th, 2009: 7 charming boys and 3 sweet little girls.

Dreamkeeper City of Lights
Dreamkeeper City of Hope
Dreamkeeper City of Stars
Dreamkeeper City of Heroes
Dreamkeeper City of Riches
Dreamkeeper City of Gold
Dreamkeeper City of Flowers
Dreamkeeper City of Delight
Dreamkeeper City of Angels
Dreamkeeper Big City Roller

For a slideshow of Beauty's pups (Their arrival and Day ONE) please CLICK HERE.

For a slideshow of Beauty's pups at 4 days please CLICK HERE.

For a slideshow of Beauty's pups at one week old please CLICK HERE.

Beauty's pups at two weeks old please CLICK HERE.

Beauty's pups at three weeks old please CLICK HERE.

Beauty's pups at four weeks old please CLICK HERE.

Beauty's pups at five weeks old please CLICK HERE.

Beauty's pups at SIX weeks old please CLICK HERE.

Beauty's pups at SEVEN weeks old please CLICK HERE.

Beauty's pups at EIGHT weeks old please CLICK HERE.

Pedigree for Simson X Beauty Puppies

         Simson X Beauty         
SVCH Dream Max 
Jorgen Brink
SVCH Dream Max
Paradise Apple
SU(U)CH NUCH Jazzman's 
Da Capo
Eplepai av Vervik
NUCH Palam's 
Hanna My Dreams
Multi CH Blakesley Cromwell
Birdcherry's Wildest Dreams
Salt Lake City Beagley
C. Chevanne Apollo
Can CH Tottelina 
Peace Dove 
of the Morning Valley
Siever's Storm Struck
Blazin' Casper of Calhoun
Meppen's USA 

