
If you have spent hours researching goldens and prospective breeders, covered your kitchen refrigerator with golden puppy pictures, already contemplated the perfect puppy name and excitedly discussed all the great adventures you will have with your future golden, AND if you are now ready to take the puppy ownership plunge - we feel very honored that you have chosen us to provide you with a new family member. We welcome you to contact us regarding puppy adoption:

1) Contact us by email (or phone if you prefer) to introduce yourself and find out about any upcoming litters and availability.

2) Complete our "PUPPY ADOPTION FORM" Please attach it to an email and send it back to us at your earliest convenience.


3) Wait to hear back from us regarding the status of your adoption request. We generally check our email daily and will be in touch within 48 hours - after we have had a chance to review your information and check references.

Once a puppy adoption form is "approved" we may require a deposit
to SECURE your spot based on the details below (in section 4).

4) We allow reservations for the first SIX puppies of any litter. (Reservations require a $500.00 deposit). With each reserved spot we will ask your preference as to male or female - but we are unable to guarantee the gender of your puppy until the litter is actually born. We cannot predict Mother Nature with 100% accuracy however we will do our best to provide puppies to as many on our waiting list as possible - dependent on the number and gender of puppies in a litter.

After the initial six spots on our waiting list are filled - we will still accept names that can be kept on our "extended list".... but we will not know until the puppies are born whether or not we can accommodate your request. Deposits are not required on the extended list.

Note: Deposits are non-refundable - unless Dreamkeeper cannot fulfil your reservation request.

5) Wait for those little bundles of joy to be born. Check back with our website for updates. Once the puppies are born we will post frequent pictures and details. Email us anytime if you have questions. Personal visits are also welcomed - but please call ahead to check on timing. We do not allow visitors for the first 4 weeks following the puppies' birth for precautionary health reasons.

6) As puppies change greatly in their physical appearance from one week to the next and are developing in temperment - we do not make our final assessments as to which puppy will be going to which home until approximately week 6. We feel that after observing and living with the puppies 24/7 we are the ones in the best position to match a puppy to your family - We base our decision on the information provided in your initial puppy adoption form.

7) As your puppy approaches week 8 make sure you have: a) purchased quality puppy-food and whatever puppy supplies you may need (ie: toys, bed, training crate), b) puppy-proofed your home or an area designated for your pup, c) thought about a training plan, and d) created some puppy "house" rules (especially if you have children) that reflect the goals of your family. Do all the pre-puppy-arrival groundwork necessary to get your little pup off to a good start when he/she arrives.

8) Prior to week 8 you can set up a time to come visit and pick up your new little golden !! Stay for a cup of coffee (or a cool lemonade depending on the time of year), meet some of our other beautiful goldens and ask us about any concerns you may have. Meet your new little family member and let the adventures begin!!

Please understand that we only breed a few select litters per year and if you decide that you would like to invite one of our puppies into your home you may need to submit your name to us well in advance. Most of our litters are usually reserved before they are born.