Shiloh X Bella Puppies |
Canadian Champion Tramin Fun in the Sun "SHILOH"
IntCh, GRChRu Multi Ch Ritzilyn Match Point
Eng SCh Bramhills Blake SGWC |
Eng SCh Ritzilyn Dynah Might |
JCh/Ch Uk Woodrays Bona Dea by Tramin |
Gracewood Illusion
CHRus, CHBul Tramin Waterfall of Music |
Canadian Champion Int'l JHA CH Montego Diamond Giselle "BELLA"
nbsp |
NZ/AUS CH Montego Pendragon's Quest
Aust CH Willowlawn Cast A Spell
Montego Primadonna |
AUS CH Brackendell Diamond Lace
Aus Ch Montego Mity Classy CD ET QC
AUS CH Montego As You Dream |